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Cancellation Policy

Rudgwick and District Riding Club Cancellation policy for training sessions and clinics:

Cancelling your training session and/or clinic place with less than 48 hours’ notice prior to the booking, or failing to turn up on the day, will result in you losing 100% of your booking fee irrespective of the reason, you will not be able to transfer after this time. If we have a waiting list and can resell the space, then RDRC will refund the fee to you.

We expect you to pay for your clinic when you book in to ensure your place.

If you are unable to attend the session or clinic due to your horse being lame, a refund will be given on production of a signed dated vet’s certificate.

Refunds will not be given if cancelling a session/clinic once it has been booked unless it can be transferred to another member.